Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Kiwi Kisses

On the left is a Kiwi Bird finger puppet of Edmund's, on the right a Kiwi Fruit. Edmund got the Bird for Christmas and thought that with a beak like that what else could it be good for except to give out kisses. So the Kiwi Bird sometimes takes a trip around the house kissing everyone multiple times.
The other day I bought some Kiwi Fruit for the first time in a long while, and later asked Edmund if he wanted a Kiwi, showing him the Fruit, he said, "no." A few minutes later he started to push a chair over to the island making kissing sounds. It took me a few minutes to realize that he had changed his mind and did want a Kiwi, and he had come up with kissing as his way of saying Kiwi.