Friday, April 24, 2009

A Long Silence

All my fancy plans to blog on a regular basis are in vain it would seem. Some days I have ideas, but no time to get on the computer, and other days time, but no ideas. Of course now that I know about the posting feature that allows one to set the day I can write several posts at once and set them to come out on consecutive days.

Well, on to other things. I have been very busy recently doing...nothing really. Nathaniel has had a rash for over a month now. It started as a diaper rash that would not go away and then spread to the rest of his body in the form of Eczema. Have you every seen a baby scratch its head? It is pretty cute, but sad, too, because there is no reason a baby should have to put up with something like Eczema, especially as bad as Nathaniel has had. I didn't take any pictures, but just imagine an angry red rash with ozzing blisters and crusty scabs. Fortunately, his whole body did not get that bad!

It has been so hard to see my baby miserable and me unable to figure out what to do to help him. I don't want to be smearing him with Cortisone the rest of his life. I have been leaving his regular diaper off during the day, usually just loosely pinning on a prefold to keep him contained, but still allowing for plenty of air circulation. This way I know as soon as he wets and can change him to keep the pee from sitting on his skin. Of course this also means that there is more laundry as he gets changed a lot and sometimes gets the blanket he is on wet, too.

For two weeks I was also giving Nathaniel two 20 minute baths a day, to help his skin get the moisture it needed to heal. (This was on the instructions of the dermatologist I took Nathaniel to see.) I only bathe him once a day now, and not always for 20 minutes. Even now he still has really dry skin and I lotion him up at least twice a day.

All these things make for a pretty busy day, in which I do almost nothing except take care of the boys and try to keep the house sane. I have hardly touched the computer in the last few weeks.

Nathaniel's rash is finally going down and he is happier. He can sit up pretty well now, with only an occasional tumble. The weather is finally warming up and staying sunny for more than two days in a row. I hope both the healthy, happy baby and the beautiful weather stay because it sure makes life better!