Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hooded Bath Towels

Little children and hooded bath towels seem to go together. It is so cute to see those baby faces peering out of an "elfish" hood. And children love them! They are one of those things one puts on their baby registry; like I did. Unfortunately, the hooded towel I got was a tiny, polyester thing (not the one I put on my registry). Just big enough and absorbent enough for a newborn, but not much good for a bigger baby. I was disappointed to not have something that my children could use even when they got to be toddlers.
I occasionally tossed around ideas for making my own hooded towel, but never came up with anything. Recently, however, I found just the thing! I got this off of a blog, but can't remember which one, so am unable to give credit where credit is due.
This is really easy to make; all you need is a bath towel and a hand towel. Cut the hand towel in half. Fold the cut side of the towel in half and sew, then open out the hood and sew the seam allowance to one side. Sew the hemmed edge of the hand towel to one of the sides of the bath towel. That's it! You're done!
I made two of these using towels I already had, so it didn't cost me anything. And there was no waste.
Here is Edmund's back. Do you see how long the towel is? He will be able to use this for several years.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

A Family Snapshot

A friend asked for a picture of me, so here we are at a friend's wedding.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Nathaniel's First Haircut

Nathaniel's hair was just starting to curl and he looked so cute with it all long. I was hoping that we could wait until his first birthday to cut his hair, like we did with Edmund. With his allergies, however, he was getting pretty miserable, so Jaired said he needed a buzz. I felt that was a little drastic, but I did consent to cut his hair.

Before (Yes, we did have people ask if he was a girl!)

So, what do you think? Should I give him a buzz?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

River Fun

We have gone to the river twice now this summer. It is about a 25 minute drive for us, but when you live in the country distance can be pretty relative. We, especially Jaired, love going to the river. Jaired wants all of our children to be "fish" and Edmund is definitely on his way there.

Here is Edmund when we first got to the river last weekend.

Then he ventured further out.

Here he is last night, in the water up to his armpits. He had a great time and it was pretty funny to see him walking around in the water, tottering forward and backward as he tried to keep his balance.

Nathaniel always has a great time, too. He is our little allergy baby and the heat has really been bothering him recently. He loves being outside though, especially when he is by the river where the air is always a little cooler.