Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Why I Haven't Blogged (or Why Haven't I Blogged?)

It's been a while. I have a couple of reasons, but I won't tell you which one is the main one, because I don't know for sure.

First, I get writer's block, so even though I have things to write about I don't write. Second, I have a bad habit. It goes like this. I don't write for a while, so I feel bad, but I don't want to be apologizing to my readers all the time and I find it awkward to start writing after a gap of time without saying anything about the gap. So I put off blogging; and the gap gets bigger.

Well, I have heard that if you have writer's block you should just write and eventually you will break through and have something to say worth reading. Likewise, if I publish this post I will have finally posted after a long silence and will (hopefully) be able to keep up again.

So, that's all I have to say for now. I will write more later, telling you all what we have been doing this summer. There will be pictures, too, of course.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just start writing as if there wasn't a gap.
