Sunday, March 14, 2010

Jeremiah Clive Hall

Jeremiah Clive Hall
12 March 2010, 8:14 a.m.
6 lbs. 11 oz. 20 ins.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

It's This Week, Folks

This is how I have felt the last few weeks. Tired. Ready to be done.

But this week, though I am still tired, I feel a little more energetic. At least, I feel more motivated to get things done. Can you call it the nesting instinct even with a scheduled c-section? Because I think that is what I have. Thorough housecleaning, organizing, and spring decorating are the order of the week. Last week I devoted to finishing projects. So, if I can finish this week's list I will feel very prepared for the baby.

I have had the baby's bag ready for a few weeks. I prepared it the same day I unpacked all the baby clothes and organized them on the shelves. The nursery is rearrange for the last time, and as ready as it is going to get for the new baby. Nathaniel is still sleeping in the crib in there, but that won't be a problem because my babies never use the crib much when they are tiny anyway.

My bag is almost ready to go. I have figured out the books and stuff that I will take to the hospital, even though I don't ever get much reading done.

For the rest of the week it is just laundry, house cleaning and playing with the boys. Oh, and celebrating Jaired's mom's birthday.

Please keep us in your prayers, especially when you wake up on Friday morning.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Busy Days

This pretty little Crocus popped its head out the other day to tell me that spring is around the corner, even though we are still having many cold days.

I have decided that I don't mind the cold, as long as it is sunny outside.

We have a wood furnace that we have used most of the winter (we took a break from using it in February), that is really nice, when we make sure to keep the fire burning good and hot. We try to be frugal when it comes to heating our house, but I am definitely enjoying having a warmer house! I have a hard time being motivated to get up and do stuff when I am cold, and being pregnant isn't helping either, so the warm house and sunshine are essential to a productive day.


A few Sundays ago on the way to church we saw one of these beautiful landscape pieces. Edmund asked, "Mama, what's that?" (A classic three-year-old question.) I responded with a somewhat vague, "Oh, that's a tower of some nature." His deduction -- a nature tower! Which is what he continued to call them for the next week or two; until Jaired decided that his son needed to be properly educated and told him that, "Mama made a mistake, those are actually cell phone towers." I think that Edmund is getting it sorted out. he still calls them nature towers if he forgets, but he has graciously accepted the fact that I had misinformed him.


One of my pre-baby goals was to finish all of my (several) sewing projects. And I am happy to say that I have succeeded.
Along with outfits for myself, I have been making some things for my SIL Chava, like the dress above.
In the future I hope to talk more about my sewing, for those who might be interested to see what patterns I use, how I get through the hard parts, etc. This dress though, I had no particular pattern for. Chava has had "this" dress for awhile, but it needed to be altered, so I took the leftover fabric from when it was made and redid the bodice using princess seams. I also turned the gathered skirt into an A-line, to give it a better figure. The sash was just for fun because I had so much of the contrasting fabric left after altering the skirt, but it really adds a lot to the dress.