Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tuesday Evening Randomness

We bought Edmund his first bicycle this weekend. He likes it well enough, but as he has not yet learned how to peddle it is not a very fun toy for him yet. When I try to get him to push on the peddles he pushes backwards, and, as you know, that makes him stop, not go! I hope he will learn soon, but for now I am pushing him up and down the driveway.
We have been having unseasonably cool weather for a good part of this month. It feels more like autumn than summer, with temperatures being in the low 70's rather than the high 90's. I really like having the weather this way, but am wondering, if this is what we have in the summer, what will the autumn be like, and then winter?

Nathaniel is loving the cold weather. Both of our boys do really well in the cold, but with his allergies, cool weather is definitely the best thing for Nathaniel. He has been such a happy boy this whole week, and hasn't been scratching very much. I have began weaning Nathaniel, very slowly. This is earlier than I weaned Edmund, but I feel like it is time to start. Nathaniel can be demanding, which Edmund wasn't. Now, less nursings for us means that Nathaniel is nursing about four or five times a day. I know this is the norm for some peoples babies who are nursing full time as little infants. My babies like to nurse every two hours, however, so this is a definite improvement!

Nathaniel wants to ask you all, "What's up?!"


Chablis said...

Edmund will get the hang of it soon enough! What a grown up boy! I can't believe you are still nursing that often. It will be nice once you have your body to yourself once again! Freedom! Good luck.

Emily G said...

Tracy! We miss you guys so much!! I love the pictures of your boys...they are getting so big! Send some of your cool weather this way...: ) Good luck with the weaning. I hope it goes smoothly.

Wendy said...

Hi Tracy:

Sorry about the fact that my entries are now short in all readers. Perhaps you read about the fact that there is a blog out there that has been stealing and reposting all of my blog entries. Well, I found out that they were getting my entries directly from my feed (the feed is what allows blog entries to be read using reader programs.) So in an effort to make it more difficult for them, I had to change my settings to shorten my feeds. Now, the offending blog only gets the first few sentences of each post and no pictures - just like your reader does. Sorry for the inconvenience. I hope you'll keep reading...you'll just have to click over to my blog now. But you reminded me that I should probably explain the change to all of my readers. Thanks for the reminder. ;-)