Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Strawberries may be Jaired's favorite food ever. I really like them a lot, too, of course. One of the things we made sure to do every year in Virginia Beach was go strawberry picking at least once. We were very excited to hear that our new house here in Missouri has a strawberry patch. It is only a few years old, and last year we pretty much just ate the berries as we picked them.

The patch was rather neglegted after strawberry season, partly because of not having what we needed to care for it. In the fall it did not get its protective mulch blanket because right when we should have put that down Nathaniel was born and I was with him in the hospital for three weeks.

The patch had also become somewhat overgrown so we were not sure what would happen this year. As the days began to warm up Jaired started checking the plants for blossoms daily. We watched with growing excitment as the blossoms withered and strawberries formed. Finally our first strawberry was ripe! It was a little one, but a ripe berry nonetheless!

As you can see, there are quite a lot of weeds needing to be cleared out. The rows are also just about nonexistent. Hopefully (cross fingers), we can get the patch cleaned up this summer.

We have made pies and smoothies, and have frozen several quarts of strawberries. The patch is starting to slow down, but at its peak we picked about eight cups a day. Berry nice, if you ask me.

1 comment:

Chablis said...

gasp! Those look amazing! I'm so jealous, it just barely got warm enough for me to plant some strawberries here!