Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Jeremiah -- Six Months

Half a year; where has the time gone? For me this age is a big I-don't-want-my-baby-to-get-any-bigger/I-wish-he-would-grow-faster stage. Babies are so sweet and cute and I love it when they can start interacting with people, but at the same time teething and the increased mobility along with a growing curiosity make this time bittersweet. Why can't they stay this cute and innocent always?

Jeremiah has been very busy the last three months:
3 months -- rolling from tummy to back
4 months -- progressed to rolling from back to tummy, then learned to roll over either side.
5 1/2 months -- army crawling, sitting up
6 months -- first tooth, with the second one expected to pop through any day.

Jeremiah weighs approximately 16.5 lbs. He loves to growl and blow raspberries.

Our camera broke and we have yet to get and new one, so I don't have any six month pictures, but here are some from the last few months.

Learning to sit up. (Like his angel halo?)

Resting after a long day of sightseeing in Yellowstone.

An unwilling little traveler.

Bouncy, bouncy!

Don't roll off the bed, Jeremiah!

Rawr, I'm a little bear and I'm going to eat you!

Happy baby. He sleeps with that little moose that he got from Aunt Chava.

Beginning to scoot.

And that's it for now, I guess that was more than a few pictures. ;)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Our Household Monster

Yes, we have a monster living in our house.

It looks something like this:
Image courtesy of the Internet.

Our vacuum cleaner.

Of all my children, Edmund has always been the most fearful of the vacuum.

When he was a baby I would vacuum during his naps. As he got older he felt pretty safe if I sat him down on the couch before vacuuming. But he always had to be in the same room as the vacuuming; almost as if he felt safer if he could keep an eye on the situation.

Now, he asks to be allowed to plug in and turn on the vacuum, then he runs around the room shrieking and jumping off of the furniture. Playing a sort of "keep away" with the vacuum. His game seems to have done away with some of his fearfulness, but he still gets nervous if he gets in a corner and thinks he is trapped.

Disclaimer: No, I do not try to scare him or chase him with the vacuum cleaner. I am a very nice Mama. :)